Friday, September 13, 2013

Little miss fussy pants

This is a face I frequently see with Aubrey.  As much as I don't want to admit it, she is a fussy baby.  She likes to be held and she KNOWS when she is no longer in human arms or is about to be put down.  She also likes to eat, like her mom, frequently, and snacks too.  She is only 1 month and has already displayed more habits of her mothers than I could ever imagine :)  My little mini me, I wouldn't have it any other way.  Sleeping has gotten better and although some nights are better than others she loves to sleep on me.  I have to admit, I love it too, I mean why the hell not?  We sleep on the couch so I always keep her on the side where she can not fall on the floor.  I trust myself with her in doing so and I have not dropped her or rolled over on her since doing it pretty much from day one.  She just does NOT appreciate sleeping alone and who could blame her, with the heat, touch and closeness of another human being!?!

Some days are worse than others such as last night when nothing made her happy but she also is a happy baby as documented by the picture below:
I have already told my parents "any baby after her will be easy"  In reality though she really isn't that bad at all.  I mean hell I could have a baby 10x worse who cries hours on end or doesn't like anyone but me so really I can't complain too much, I think she is an average fussy baby but for the first time mom seems a little extreme. 
So in an attempt to lose this baby weight in a timely manner today I officially weighed in at 10 pounds away from my pre baby weight.  I am really proud of myself.  I also have Ginelle to thank for making me some really awesome and healthy dishes and not giving me a reason to eat like shit.  I do have to admit I have at least 1 ice capp with whipped cream on it every day and one day I even had 2, which was the day after I gloated because I didn't get another, lmao yeah the next day I was super pissed off and realized I deserved one.  Overall I have been tracking what I have been eating, but not being obsessive.  I have been tracking calories but not being obsessive.  I feel really good about all of these things because the old me had a huge eating disorder and although I understand it will never go away having Aubrey has definitely make it so much better.  I realized that I was consuming WAY too much sugar and it could have been why she was being so fussy at night and not sleeping well.  I feel bad for 3 weeks I ate like shit and basically so did she. 
I have been walking with her a lot more than usual and along with the better eating habits it has been going well.  I have been trying to go a few times a week for at least 30 minutes and this week I made it out 3x hoping to get out tomorrow if it doesn't rain. 
It's so crazy how in so little time I have come to know my babys cues, her cries and have been able to distinguish what she wants/needs.  I have also successfully learned that in order to go to the store I have to time it just perfectly so that the car ride makes her fall asleep.
I am still so in love her with and have been highly considering be a SAHM for the majority of the time.  I am going to go back to work for my dad in the next few weeks 2-3 days max and my fiancé and I are trying to figure out how to make it work.  For the purpose of being extremely real and not putting out a bunch of fake shit, I am going to take the test to be licensed in NYS for my LMSW and this is not to say I won't ever work again in my life but for no taking care of my LO is the only thing I really want to do and feel passionate about other than my fitness life which is coming back at just the perfect pace.
Things might not always be in the right place, things may not go my way and there may be ups and downs but I am truly blessed and thankful for everyone and everything that I have! 

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