Friday, September 6, 2013

Pure Happiness

On Monday August 12th, 2013 Aubrey Vance St.Laurent was born at 12:50pm and my life changed forever.  I previously put my birthing experience on another blog so I will not re-hash that.  I never knew that finally having her in my arms would change my perceptions on everything.  I was always the one to say "I will never be a stay at home mom" but that day, every time I looked at her I cried.  3 weeks later and I still cry. 
I have never in my life cried so many happy tears.  She is amazing and since I am EBF (exclusively breast feeding) I am starting to see the bond that we are creating.  Being an EBF mother has been the hardest thing I have ever had to do, feeding on demand, sometimes every half hour for 45 minutes other times every hour for a half hour, never really the same.  I am beyond sleep deprived as she will only sleep 1.5 hours, 2 max during the night but I wouldn't change any of it.  She makes time slow down for me, makes me realize how precious every second of life is, makes me appreciate every moment of life, the good and the bad and makes me realize life is not a race and there is no need to think about tomrorow when all we have is right now and although sometimes I get crabby, I am genuinely happy with life...finally.

I also got engaged!!!!!!!!!!

Life seriously couldn't be any better right now.  I love being a mom and now I am a fiancé and have a fiancé! It's so crazy! I am so blessed and so thankful for the life I have!

So....25 days have passed and I will say this if it's one MAJOR thing I have learned for the next child I have is to be smart like my friend Carmen and pre make a shit ton of meals for when I come home because there is just NO time to do any of that.  Andrew and I lived off of pizza and baked goods for a long time, my water intake decreased and my diet went to shit basically, no sugar coating it because I consumed a crap load of enough sugar everyday  to make me wonder why Aubrey is fussy some days, because she gets what I give and lately it has not been good.

This new blog is to identify some things I need to change so I can be a fit and sexy mom and possibly compete again, but more than likely not until next year if I do decide to do it.  Since I am EBF I can not afford to be on a crazy ass diet so my goal is to get healthy, and thanks to my good friend Ginelle I have a head start because she made me sooooo much clean food!  I am so grateful for her and all of the friends I have that care.  I am also so  thankful for my fiancé being able to take demands with a flinch and doing everything he can to make sure I have what I need and my daughter and I are happy.

I haven't weighed myself since last week but so far am down about 20 pounds since giving birth and need to ditch another 14 to get to pre pregnancy weight.  If I do 1 pound a week I can meet that goal by my birthday! 

- Down 20 pounds by my (30th-ahhhhh) birthday 12/5/2013
-be able to see visible difference via photos
-drink at LEAST the minimal amount of water each day (eight 8oz glasses), crazy that I used to drink a gallon a day, I would go crazy trying to do that now because trips to the bathroom are far and few inbetween with a newborn
-healthy meals as much as possible but not breaking down if I have a treat here and there
-take it day by day
-positive affirmations
-continue to take life slow and appreciate every moment

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