Friday, November 8, 2013

What they don't tell you

I remember like it was yesterday, the day I took a pregnancy test, the morning after when I took another one and it was still positive.  That day changed my life forever and I had no idea that I would be the person I am right now sitting at this laptop typing this. 

There are a few things though that just rubbed me in ridiculous ways while preggo.  All of a sudden everyone that I encountered became experts on pregnancy, how I should think feel and look all became these "knowns" among so many people.  From the woman who had 5 kids telling me that they grow up fast to the guy cashing out at the gas station purchasing a 6 pack and some cigarettes telling me I look like I am about to explode when I had 4 months of pregnancy left.  Without fail someone ALWAYS said something to me regardless if I asked or not.  No one cared.  It was an immediate oh wow, she's pregnant she must know that I am an expert on everything related to being pregnant and parenthood. 

Funny thing is, for the things they always tell you; "you're going to get morning sickness" "they grow up fast" "get the epidural" "you're having a boy aren't you?" "you're having a girl aren't you" "you are showing high it must be a girl" "you are showing low it must be a girl" "you look like you are about to pop" "get your sleep now" "breastfeeding burns so many calories" "you will lose the weight faster if you breastfeed" the list goes on, there are so many things they didn't tell me.  So I have decided to write a blog about it because clearly it's something that has been on my mind.  Below you will find things that they don't tell you about pregnancy and parenthood!

(1)  Your birth plan is going to go no where near as planned so you are better off just not making one.  Seriously, birthing classes are great and all and they prepare you for a lot of things but it's highly unpredictable how the birth is going to go so having a plan and not even be able to follow any of it is really disappointing.  What they should emphasize is going in with an open mind, rip the birth plan up because that baby is going to decide how things go

(2) Epidural's aren't at all what they are talked up to be.  I was left feeling extremely numb for most of my lower half even BEFORE they had to do the emergency C-section.  I understand it affects everyone differently but this was something I didn't expect.  I also have no idea what a vaginal birth is like so I guess I can't really compare or throw these statements out there but still...when the doctor told me it wasn't meant to completely numb me, pardon me when it did I was a little upset.  Not to mention they never told me I would shake so bad I would feel like I was dying

(3) You will love your significant other so much you will want 60 other children.  Seriously I don't know if it was the Percocet's or what but damn I was in dream land.  Although I still really do want 60 kids.  I told him I wanted to be like the mother on 19 kids and counting, the joy Aubrey has brought me makes me understand why she has had so many kids and why most families choose to have more.  Being a mom is more amazing than I have ever imagined and yeah I guess I love Andrew a lot but damn I was like an angel the first few weeks

(4) In a month you will hate your significant other and want to be a single mom especially if you are breastfeeding.  The first few weeks were the hardest in my life and as I watched Andrew sleeping as Aubrey was eating every 45 minutes I wanted to throw rocks at him.  She wasn't taking a bottle because we didn't want the nipple confusion so it was all me, all the time.  3 months later and I am so glad I never gave up because I know she loves me more than anything in the world and to see her look at me and smile brings me so much joy and love

(5)  You will cry at every little thing.  Seriously, Aubrey grew out of clothes and I cried.  She cried and I cried.  I will say they were right about them growing up really fast!  Now every milestone she has is another emotional episode for myself

(6)  You really do not lose a crazy amount of weight while breastfeeding.  I am not saying this is everyone but for me it is just not happening and it is frustrating

(7) You will have to deal with being a controversial mother if you so choose to be with certain topics.  These topics include, but are not limited to; vaccinations, pacifiers, co-sleeping, bed-sharing, length of breastfeeding, falling asleep at the nipple, using the nipple as a pacifier, baby spoiling, weaning, feeding solids, TV watching and even how often you are changing a diaper

(8) You will have a hard time being away from your baby even if he or she is just with your significant other in the same rom

Those are the ones I can think of so far but I have to stop because I can't stand not interacting with my daughter even though like in number 8 states she is in the same room with me as daddy but I miss her!!! 

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